ALL IN ONE Controller Module for Feeding and Assembly Systems
Operation with cross-system user interface for all products
ALL IN ONE is a uniform operating concept designed to control all of our assembly and feeding systems. The module is controlled via touchscreen on the operating panel. The operating panel is a rotatable device and is mounted on the top of the feeding system.
For stationary manual work stations, the operating panel can be attached to the assembly cell or to the side of the C-frame.
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Advantages of the System
- Easy navigation due to an uniform user interface
- Short training period due to intuitive menus with navigation bar
- Many diagnostic options
- Low configuration effort for standard products
- Modular structure, so the system can be expanded as required
- Several languages available
- Robot interface for signal transfer - All common BUS protocols e.g. Profinet, EtherNet/IP
Working With the Controller Module

The operating system offers flexibility and is used for our robotic stations, robotic tools and press applications. For example, you can also control several types of in-die automation modules with a single controller. The controller also serves as a basic framework for the operation of manual workstations.
You can also operate up to two feeding systems with a single controller. In this case, one feeder functions as the master device and sends the commands to the second feeder, the slave device.
Operation and menu navigation
The uniform, clear menu navigation of the operating panel always remains the same, regardless of the assembly system used. This allows you to operate different assembly systems without having to deal with different controllers.

In general, getting used to the control system should not take much time. Thanks to the clear and logically structured menus, as well as the navigation bar with direct access to the most important functions, you can quickly find your way around the operating system.
In addition to the operating function, the touch panel also offers you a wide range of diagnostic options, such as the display of all sensors, travel times of cylinders, logging of program steps, error analysis and more.
All malfunctions can thus be localized immediately and traced on the basis of the recorded data.
Navigation Bar

1. Main page
2. Manual functions
3. Sensor page
4. Force-displacement evaluation
5. Loading and saving parameters
6. Screenshot function
7. Information page
8. System parameter page
9. Display of error messages
10. Acknowledgement
Main Page
Various displays and options at a glance
Mode of operation selection (1)
In contrast to automatic mode, in manual mode every single component of the machine can be actuated individually. Also you can let all components of the machine, i.e. feeding systems and setting units, work in the home position.
Based on a colored frame, which corresponds to a traffic light, you can directly see whether the system is ready for operation.
Force-displacement-display (2)
Here you can see the actual and desired force values in comparison, as well as the distance and the result. You can check the measured maximum force during the joining process, as well as the status of whether a part is in the setting head or a rivet is spindled on.
Pressure display with different colors (3)
This display allows you to check whether the desired and actual pressure match within the defined tolerance.

Interface signals (4)
This is the overview of the signals coming from both sides, from your side such as "Robot in safe position" and from the used assembly system such as "Ready to Start".
Program parameters (5)
For each individual setting process, you can select an individual set of windows for the force-displacement evaluation or certain component-specific parameters such as setting force, pressures for optimum pressing etc. via the interface.
Manual Functions
Actuators, sensors, force-displacement evaluation
In manual operation mode, you can access the manual functions via the navigation bar (1).
The manual function page is used to move the different actuators to their home positions and working positions. You can switch between different stations via a drop-down menu (2). Arrow buttons are used to scroll between manual functions of one station. The different color codes provide information on the current state of an actuator (3).
If there is a risk of a crash, the actuators are locked. In this case, the respective actuator can neither be moved in manual, nor in automatic mode. This helps prevent damages to the machine as collisions with other machine components are avoided.
Sensor display
In manual operation mode, you can call up the sensor display via the navigation bar (4). The color of the boxes provides information about the current sensor status: Sensor is active or not active.

Force-distance evaluation (optional)
Via the navigation menu you can access the force-distance evaluation page for displaying force-displacement curves (5). In activated manual mode, you can create curve monitoring windows (6). During each setting process, a force-displacement curve is recorded by a displacement sensor and a pressure sensor. This represents the time course of the joining process - X-axis deformation in mm; Y-axis deformation force in N.
Curve monitoring windows can be used to qualitatively evaluate a curve. A range is selected in which the pressing is "OK". If the curve behaves differently than specified, the pressing is declared as "NOK".
Saving quality data (optional)
For traceability of the setting results, you can record the curve and window data. The saved data can be transferred to your computer or server via FTP script, OPC UA and USB stick. The data can be displayed graphically using the MDS Quality Data Viewer program.
History with 100 setting results and 10 force-displacement curves
You can display a history with the last 100 data sets (7). In addition to the overall result of the setting, the most important parameters are also displayed. You can also display the associated graphical history of the last 10 pressings as a curve for the respective result.
Machine Parameters
Error messages, step sequence analysis and more
Saving and loading parameters
Machine parameters, program parameters and calibrations can be saved, loaded and transferred. Several options are available for transferring the quality data: CFast card, FTP access and USB device as a backup for your machine. This allows you to restore your parameters at a later time.
Information page - Machine information
Via the information icon in the navigation bar you can access the machine information. Here you will find further settings like language selection, warm restart, status of the interface bus module e.g. Profinet, interface signals, system diagnostics, connection to the NTP server and a lamp test.
Machine parameters
You can call up the machine parameters via the tool icon (1). Here you can view and edit a large number of parameters, if necessary. Program-specific settings are made in the program parameters (2). The program parameters are used to adapt the machine to constantly changing production environment. An individual setting of the program parameters is recommended for each pilot hole in order to better localize and eliminate existing irregularities and error sources.

Error messages
Error messages can be called up via the warning icon in the navigation bar. In order to better localize the error, additional information such as the station number, time stamp, etc. is also provided. In the error history the last error messages are stored and listed chronologically. An error analysis can also be performed. Here, machine problems are analyzed via the counter and accumulations are quickly detected.
Step sequence analysis with time monitoring
In the program analysis all completed steps of a step sequence are listed. In this way, the entire process can be traced step by step (3). This is particularly helpful if the machine stops unexpectedly in a step.
Acknowledgement - Resetting errors
If an error occurs, the feeding system stops. After the error has been detected and resolved, the feeding system restarts by pressing the acknowledgement button.
Screenshot function
The camera icon in the navigation bar can be used to take a screenshot of any page of the control panel and save it directly to a USB stick.
Further functions
Other useful features include password-protected user roles for different hierarchy levels and a test mode for your assembly and feeding system.
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